You Can’t Do It Alone

Akin Nefesogullari
5 min readDec 2, 2017


The following article is from the book called “Succisst

To be an entrepreneur can be an exciting, fulfilling course for your life. It can mean having freedom, fulfillment and financial success like nothing you’d experience any other way. When we start out as entrepreneurs, we usually know this and have an extreme passion for making it happen. Then, through experience, we become aware of some of the other realities of entrepreneurship. It can be lonely. It can be scary. It can be overwhelming. Sometimes you don’t know what you need to do. Sometimes you don’t even know what you need to know!

If these negative aspects of entrepreneurship are more real for you than the positive ones, I have great news for you. Thousands, maybe millions of people have been where you are. You’re not alone. And there is a way to get back to the exciting life of entrepreneurship that you know is out there. You can succeed at the levels you dream about (or used to dream about). You can have the things you desire and help the people you know you were created to help. What many ultra-successful people won’t tell you, though, is that you can’t do it alone. Many of us have tried to ‘go it alone,’ but it’s not working out the way we hoped and planned. Help is available! The key is that you have to connect to people that understand who you are, what you do, and where you’re trying to go.

Why can’t do it alone?

You need the proper systems in place: Systems are essential for a successful business in the information age. Systems for maximizing your return on investments in online advertising, systems for utilizing social media to increase your brand awareness, social engagement and website traffic, systems for inventory control (if you’re in retail), or time management if you oversee consultants. You need systems to monitor your cash-flow, and systems for creating cash infusions when you need them. For every aspect of my companies, I’ve implemented systems to streamline our processes and maximize output and production. You’ve probably discovered that without the right systems in place, you will not succeed at a high level. Many of us realize we need these systems, but don’t know how to put them in place. What we need are tried and true systems that have already been tested, improved upon and perfected. Connect with an expert who knows what to do, and how to do it. Putting the proper systems in place is vital, but with the right help, it’s definitely possible for you!

You need to make more money: The goal as business owners is to make money. If you’re in business and not making money, then it’s time to do what you have not done to get new results. Entrepreneurs must have income projections and plans to cause an increase to come. Our projects will change based on the level we’re on. However, one thing is for sure: one phone call with the right person could drastically up-level your income. I once took a call from one of my advisors that tripled my earnings. I received just the right mind shift to make the adjustments in my offering and as a result, sales skyrocketed.

Just recently, during a VIP day with one of my clients, she expressed, “It’s good to have a coach because they think about things you need before you even know you need it.” In that meeting, we developed a six-figure product and services strategy for her business. When you’re ready to make more money, you’ll need new information and new people in your life to help take you to the next level.

You know what to do, but not how to do it: In the information age, it’s easy to learn what to do. You can look things up on the internet and get a vague idea of steps you might take. You can read books about what you should be doing. There are even some TV shows that will give you advice or ideas of what to do. The problem is that they don’t tell you how to do it. You might know that you need to turn your volunteer hobby into a cash-generating business, or that you need to change your mindset to get to the next level. You are probably aware of lots of things you should be doing, but you’re just not sure how to do them. The problem is, information without implementation leads to frustration. Get connected to someone that doesn’t just have a vague notion of what it takes to succeed. If you can find someone that knows step by step, piece by piece and level by level how to succeed, it will change your business forever! Getting this specific information from my mentors has been so important to my success.

You’ve lost sight of your dreams and goals: Sometimes, we forget what we once knew. We start out full of hope. We have big dreams, big plans, we know we were destined to change the world. But then life happens. We have family problems and we put our dreams on hold while we take care of them. Then we have kids, and we think we have to put our dreams on hold while we tend to them (here’s some good news, though — you don’t!) Then when our kids are gone, we think we’re past our prime and it’s too late to pursue those dreams.

You feel stuck: The number one thing that keeps people from achieving more and doing more is their mentality. I’ve seen it so many times — a person has a sincere desire to do better for themselves and their family, to make a real impact in the world — but their mindset just won’t take them there. Deep down, they’re scared to play a bigger game. They fear failure. They even fear success. They want breakthroughs, but they’re afraid of what will happen when they finally do break through.

To get out of your rut, you have to reprogram your mind to think, see and respond to a winner. Evaluate and eradicate the beliefs and thoughts that keep you repeating the same cycle over and over again. Because of the personal nature of this transformation, I won’t name names here. But I’ve seen my clients break out of their old mentalities over and over again. They join my coaching programs not sure if business is for them.

If have any question, please email me anytime,



Akin Nefesogullari
Akin Nefesogullari

Written by Akin Nefesogullari

Co-founder of Selfin and Berymo. Both of my companies born because of two existing problems, Dependency and Affordability.

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